Tuesday 22 December 2015



This webquest has been designed in order to make learners explore different types of food and consider what makes a healthy diet.
At the same time, they should learn how to be a responsible consumer and that their nutritional choice influence the planet and the environment. They should learn :
- to choose local products
- avoid junk food
- avoid products containing palm oil the production of which destroys large parts of natural environment
- learn about the harmfulness of sugar, additives and conservatives in convenience food.
The level of English required : B1 - B2, according to The Common European Framework.



Today's teenagers certainly have a different lifestyle than young people a generation ago. We live in fast times with fast paced lives. Many families do not plan , prepare and eat meals together due to work and responsibility schedules. Young people often find themselves eating on the run which isn't good for their health. A prevention plan for making wiser choices regarding on-the-go eating must be addressed. Better choices should start now in your daily diet to ensure a healthy, long life.
This webquest will help you learn about the types of food and the importance of a healthy diet. You will discover a variety of foods and you will learn which ones you should opt for in order to stay fit and healthy. 

What you are expected to do: the goal of this website is to help you gain knowledge about healthy foods and practice English skills in reading, writing and speaking. 
You are supposed to work in cooperative groups of 4-5 classmates. You are given two weeks to complete the webquest which will be finished with performing the macrotask (see below). The written part of the webquests should be submitted by the end of the month via email. 
You are given 5 microtasks and 1 macrotask (see below). Each task is clearly introduced and explained. I suggest you do them in the same order they appear below. You should pay particular attention to anything that is underlined or written in bold. Any highlighted word will lead you to another source while you click on it : a website, an exercise, a video. You are expected to do each exercise and study precisely every suggested source. The knowledge you gain thanks to those tasks are supposed to help you succeed in your macrotask and will influence your final grade. 

Macrotask: Your final task is to organize a day of healthy food promotion at your school. You will be asked to prepare some healthy food samples, make leaflets concerning the topic and talk to your colleagues from other classes about it. In order to arrange the macrotask successfully you will need a solid theoretical background. Doing the following tasks will help you obtain the necessary knowledge. Apart from learning you should also try to enjoy this day and have fun, yet trying to be a valuable source of information for other students at school. We're going to discuss the organisation of that event  later on in class. 


You are going to be evaluated for :
- your English ( grammar, vocabulary, writing skills )
- the completion of the microtasks
- the quality of the brochure 
- the participation in the macrotask 

Just try to do the best you can and you will get a good grade. Remember that the objective of this webquest is to gain useful knowledge and have fun at the same time. Now you can go on to proceed with the webquest. Take your time and make sure you do the tasks carefully. Should you have difficulties in understanding the tasks, don't hesitate to ask me questions in the class or by email.
Good luck !

TASK 1 In order to choose healthy foods, you need some knowledge about food types. This website will provide you with a lot of precious information : 

Once you have studied the information on the website, have a look at the following video :                      

Now you are ready to do the following quiz. 

TASK 2 As you read in the introduction, you are going to prepare a healthy food promotion day for other students in your school. The following websites will be a good source of inspiration for preparing food samples that you you will serve on that day and that you will be tasting together. Here you will find a significant number of recipes of fast and healthy meals which you might enjoy preparing on your own even once you're done with this project. Each team should prepare at least five samples using the recipes found on that website

TASK 3 One of your task is to prepare a brochure for other students which will educate them about what foods contain, which are healthy and which should be avoided.
You should include the information about the food groups and the importance of each of them.
Information obtained through the following exercises will help you create your information brochure:

1) Define a healthy diet according to the Food Guide 
2) Decide what components of food make a good or a poor choice and justify your answers.
3) Suggest alternative choices to 'junk food'.

This website will help you create an information brochure for other students 


a) The macrotask you are supposed to do requires you to have certain language skills. You should be able to give a name to any type of food as well as their components. While studying the vocabulary, make sure you know if the noun given belongs to countable or uncountable group of nouns. The following websites will provide you with exercises which will help you gain the necessary knowledge. 

Now enjoy doing the crossword that will help you verify how much you know.

b) While talking to other students you might want to give them some advice about a healthy lifestyle. Make sure you are familiar with all the useful expressions by studying the examples on this website.

Once you're done, please go on to do this exercise. You are supposed to match the correct pieces of advice with the answers that suit best. 


By now you have gained a lot of knowledge about food types and their components. Now I'd like you to learn about the importance of your everyday dietary choices and the impact they have on the environment. For example, do you know where palm oil comes from and how it is extracted ? The vast plantations are the cause of tropical forests destruction and extinction of many endangered species. 

I'd like you to reply to the following questions basing your answers on the information found on the internet : 

1. What percentage of our food comes from supermarkets?

2. Over the past 20 years what has happened to the average distance that food travels?

3. What must British farmers do to compete with other countries?

4. What is the effect of importing food on the climate? Is it better to buy the local or the imported      nourishment ?

Your answers should contain at least a hundred words each. Make sure you justify your opinion.